Job Rotation Practices and Employees Performance: Do Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment Matter?


Abdul-Razak Suleman  1 , Bernard Bekuni Boawei Bingab  2 , Kwame Owusu Boakye  3 , Richard Sam-Mensah  4
University of Ghana Business School, Department of Organisation and Human Resource Management, Legon-Accra, Ghana 1 , University of Education, Department of Management Sciences, Winneba, Ghana 2 , University of Education, Department of Management Sciences, Winneba, Ghana 3 , University of Education, Department of Management Sciences, Winneba, Ghana 4
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Purpose: This study sought to propose and test a model that examines the mediating roles of job satisfaction and organizational commitment in the nexus between job rotation practices and employee performance.

Design: The study adopted a cross-sectional survey approach and obtained data through questionnaires from 122 administrative staff of the University of Education, Winneba. The Partial Least Squares, Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) approach was used to test the study’s proposed model.

Findings: The results supported the proposed model, showing that organizational commitment and job satisfaction are partial mediators in the relationship between job rotation practices and employees’ performance.

Policy Implication: The findings suggest that management must ensure that employees are satisfied and committed to the job rotation practices in order to enhance their performance. Thus, job rotation practices must provide the climate that encourages career growth and development and fosters creativity in employees and not just as a routine practice or a means of punishment.

Originality: The study brings to bear the extent to which job rotation practices predict employee performance in a Sub-Saharan African Country and the indirect effects of job satisfaction and organizational commitment in this relationship.

Article Details

Suleman, A.-R., Bingab, B. B. B., Boakye, K. O., & Sam-Mensah, R. (2022). Job Rotation Practices and Employees Performance: Do Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment Matter?. SEISENSE Business Review, 2(1), 13-27.
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